English 🇬🇧
Accordind to ISTAT data 2018 about 3 and half million women in Italy were victims of persecutory acts in their life, about 2 million by ex-partner, similar number by other persons. Women are more exposed than men, the female victims fluctuates around 80% of knowed cases.

Stalking is...
Any behavior in which someone repeatedly engages in conduct directed to another person, who clearly doesn’t want, with persistent attentions, contacts, following and harassment.
Emotional changes are worry about personal or of others safety, anxiety, stress, depression, self-blame ecc. In one word, stalking causes the destabilizing effect such as to force the victim to alter it lifestyle. The author of the actions is mostly ex-partener, casual acquaintances or reject admirer.
The crime of stalking is part of the italian legal system with the law 38/2009 that introduced, with the art. 612 bis criminal code, the crime of “persecutory acts”, subsequently modified by law 119/2013 against gender violence.
A new form of the crime is represented by the cyber stalking that takes place in internet platforms, through acts of intrusion in the person’s life, repeated and obsessive harassments.
The action of stalking
1. unwanted telephone calls, sms or on line;
2. unwanted gift or other items;
3. unwanted approaching;
4. spying, following, loitering outside the home or workplace;
5. damaging personal things and also of family members;
6. threats and physical attacks etc..

Who we are
An non-profit association that was born in Florence on the initiative of a group of people who decide to dedicate their professionalism to the prevention and intervetion programs, providing timely and effective support, psychological and legal, in favor of the victims.
The multidisciplinary team carries out the analysis of the cases aimed at identifying the degree of risk ( escalation ) for the victims in critical situations.
The help can be provided to both: victim and author of actions of stalking.
- Prevention of stalking behavior, awareness raising men and women, informations on the recognition of behaviors such as to devolop to vexatious conducts; strengthening of personal resources to recognize and manage the emotions through greater assertivenes and communication.
- Psycological assessment, in the initial phase of uneasiness by direct access to a psycologist who examines the relational an stimulates resilience; analysis of the facts and the possible evolution; legal orientation and support.
- Information to the stalker about the consequences of his and about the possibility of undertaking a process of elaboration/repentance.
- Information and awareness - raising meetings (conferences and seminars) aimed to adults and adolescents in schools.
- Collaboration with law enforcement agencies to support the victim.
- Orientation for use of social services of Comune di Firenze or others local administrations.
The first contact with us
Contact us
by telephone, by e-mail, website
Listening space
by “listening space”, face to face for a first and immediate psychological and legal support with an appointment in whic we listen you and to assess the contingent situation and define the objectives
Local institutions
contacts trought the cooperation with the Institutions (Polizia, Carabinieri , social services of local admistrations - Comune di Firenze and others Comuni ecc.)